Polyneuropathy - Description and treatment

Did you notice decreased sensitivity in limbs? If you are affected by polyneuropathy, you can feel a tingling or burning sensation, even pain. You may suffer from uncertainty while walking, muscle weakness and a wide range of other symptoms. Another characteristic symptom of this bothersome disease may be depletion of muscle mass on limbs.

Warning:Do not use this or any other article on the internet to diagnose yourself. Only physicians can correctly diagnose patients. Do not postpone seeing your physician to resolve your health issues in time.

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Polyneuropathy - description of diagnosis and treatment
Picture : Polyneuropathy

Characteristics of Polyneuropathy and its causes

Polyneuropathy is a varied group of peripheral nerve disorders. It usually consists of multiple system diseases which arise as a result of both internal and external factors.

The most frequent neuropathies are:

  • acute a chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy,
  • polyneuropathy connected to rheumatoid arthritis,
  • diabetic neuropathy (in patients suffering from diabetes and neurovascular system disease),
  • alcoholic neuropathy,
  • Lyme disease neuropathy with painful manifestation in the musculoskeletal system,
  • toxic polyneuropathy – as a result of e.g., benzene, carbon disulfide or lead intoxication,
  • polyneuropathy as a result of ingesting neurotoxic medicaments (Nidrazid; after chemotherapy, etc.).
  • metabolic and nutritional polyneuropathy – e.g., hypothyroidism, malnutrition

If a doctor suspects polyneuropathy, they may perform a general medical examination, electromyography (EMG), laboratory tests and sometimes even biopsy of the nerve or muscle.

The cause of neuropathy cannot be found in 20 – 30% of cases even after testing at specialized clinical departments.

Polyneuropathy treatment – rid yourself of the issue

Polyneuropathy is a disease affecting the whole system of peripheral nerves – which includes sensitive, sensory, motoric and vegetative nerve fibres, even though the damage is not necessarily the same in all locations and modalities.

That is why polyneuropathy symptoms can vary: paresthesia, dysthesia, hypoaesthesia, neuropathic pain, jitters, twitches, spasms, paresis, fatigue, muscle atrophy, balance issues, etc.

Treatment of polyneuropathy is based mainly on dealing with the disease that led to its development – ceasing exposition toxic substance, consuming low levels of vitamins, etc.

Diabetic polyneuropathy is treated by maintaining glucose levels within the normal range. Healthy diet is the main condition for keeping glucose levels under control and preventing further nerve damage.

Analgesics, antidepressants and other medicaments are administered to suppress pain and other symptoms.

There is great emphasis put on prevention of formation of defects on the lower limbs.

  • Antidepressants – medicaments reducing symptoms of clinical depression.
  • Defect on the lower limb – damage on the lower limb as a result of a system disease, usually due to a minor injury developing further due to lower limb ischemia into destruction of tissue, infection or an ulcer.
  • Electromyography (EMG) – examination of electric biosignals  of skeletal musculature.

To prevent loss of muscle mass and other tissues, physical rehabilitation is implemented – mainly exercises for improving balance, fine motor skills, etc.

Symptomatic treatment of polyneuropathy relies mainly on mitigating neuropathic pain and autonomic symptoms, which affect a lot of the patients. Utilised drugs are: non-steroid anti-rheumatics; anti-deppressants; anticonvulsants and opiates to supress severe pain;

Within the rehabilitation treatment, low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy has its place, as it to targets the symptoms that bother patients the most. It utilises the analgesic and healing effects with the support of the anti-inflammatory effect. Magnetic therapy mitigates pain, reduces inflammatory processes, promotes metabolic conditions in tissues, stimulates healing and brings general relief.

Home applications are a huge convenience which allows the patient to continue intensive rehabilitation at home, out of hospital facilities.

The possibility to start treatment early in a new issue and the opportunity to perform long-term daily maintenance applications is also a big benefit.

Doctors and our other clients use Biomag pulse therapy for these conditions and issues

Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • poor blood perfusion
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • swelling
  • inflammation
Purpose of application
  • pain
  • inflammation