Are you in pain? Is the pain intense, long-term and does it limit you in every-day activities? Pain is the most common reason to see a physician. Do not underestimate pain; do not needlessly suffer. Seek a solution!
Warning:Do not use this or any other article on the internet to diagnose yourself. Only physicians can correctly diagnose patients. Do not postpone seeing your physician to resolve your health issues in time.
Pain is a subjective unpleasant feeling connected with current or potential damage to tissue of an organism. It is very individual and everyone experiences it differently.
Acute pain is there to protect and warn. It signals a problem in the body and prevents further damage. It arises immediately after the stimulus, e.g. an injury. It can manifest in the form of a sharp or burning sensation which usually lasts for a short period of time.
Pain is considered chronic if it lasts for months or years. It can lead to frustration, depression and despair.
Neuropathic pain is a common form of chronic pain. It accompanies illnesses like diabetes, cancer or multiple sclerosis. It may be experienced as very painful, even though the stimulus does not normally elicit pain (allodynia). The pain experienced can also be much heightened (hyperalgesia).
Pain of the back, joint, muscle, head or pain resulting from nerve damage in diabetes, polyneuropathy, herpes zoster and borreliosis may be chronic. It also applies to post-operation pain, phantom pain and lot of others.
Pain significantly limits the patient in all aspects of life. Thus, soothing pain is essential for improving the quality of life and further treatment.
Pain Treatment – Rid yourself of the Issue
Treatment is comprehensive. If the cause is known, the ideal course of action is to remove the cause. In the other cases, mitigation is the only way.
Drug therapy utilises non-steroid antirheumatics (cyclooxygenase inhibitors, non-specific anti-inflammatory medication), which reduce pain and prevent inflammation. Opioids are another option, with their strong analgesic effect. However, they may lead to addiction! Anti-depressants or anxiolytics are support treatment.
Some cases require surgical intervention. Treatment can be supplemented by psychotherapy or physical therapy and electric therapy.
Non-steroid anti-rheumatics – non-steroid drug used to mitigate pain, fever and inflammation.
Opioids – drugs with a strong analgesic effect.
Anti-depressants – a group of drugs that are used to treat depression.
Anxiolytics – used to treat anxiety, psychological tension, fear and nervousness.
Within physical therapy Biomag low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy plays a significant role. It utilises analgesic, muscle-relaxing, anti-swelling and healing effects with the support of anti-inflammatory effect to the benefit of the patient. It suppresses inflammatory processes and pain, accelerates healing of damaged tissue and helps bring general relief and within reason improved mobility.
Home applications are a huge convenience which allows the patient to continue intensive rehabilitation at home, out of hospital facilities.
The possibility to start treatment early in a new flare-up is also a benefit.
Magnetic therapy is not applied in cases where pain is of unknown origin.
Doctors and our other clients use Biomag pulse therapy for these conditions and issues